Kostas Venizelos: Faits accomplis in Famagusta and a Five-party Conference with everything on the table

Faits accomplis in Famagusta and a Five-party Conference with everything on the table, Kostas Venizelos

Tayyip Erdogan “inaugurated” the settlement of the enclosed area of ​​occupied Famagusta, on November 15, a significant day, as it is the anniversary of the proclamation of the pseudo-state. The following day, the self-proclaimed ambassador of Turkey to the Occupied Territories, Ali Murat Batseri, went to the area for cycling and to check things out. He rode a bicycle, donated by the Turkish municipality of Konya (600 bicycles in total).

The “trip” of the Turkish official to the Occupied Territories was made on the one hand for communication reasons, in order to give the impression of continuity from the day of the “inauguration”, but at the same time to send the message that they are proceeding with the implementation of projects. Works are being done in the area and the planning is progressing, which is the integration of the enclosed area in the rest of the occupied city of Famagusta and the settlement. We will not dwell on conspiracy theories. The theories of “lost opportunities” when heard by the Turks are made fun of!

This is because they relayed stories to the ambassadors of the potential mediators and the Greek side over time and were very serious about it! These narratives do not stand up to the test of time and, above all, do not fit the behavior and approaches of occupied Turkey. Narratives that were counter to history and truth. But this is not our issue. At the time when the occupation by Turkey is expanding, responsibilities are being sought inside the Greek side.

The responsibilities of the Greek side in Cyprus concern the phobic syndrome that characterizes its management over time. The responsibilities of the Greek and Cypriot sides concern the lack of an aggressive policy to deal with Turkish behavior. It’s not because Famagusta was handed over and the Greek side did not go to receive it! Occupied Turkey is responsible and those who want to “whitewash” it are judged by the citizens.

The trap of the Five-party Conference

At a time when the so-called international community and EU partners have “bought” the new Turkish commitments in Famagusta, there is a danger. The danger lies in the possibility of this new illegal action being taken for granted as we prepare to receive UN Secretary-General’s envoy Jane Hall Luth.

The latter is expected to come to prepare the ground for the convening of an informal Five-party Conference. The Five-party Conference is taken for granted, as the International Organization has agreed to include on the agenda the Turkish demand for a discussion of “alternatives”, describing that of the two states as the most prevalent (although it is clear that they seek a confederation).

Will the convening of an informal Five-party Conference stop Turkish plans in Varosha? Will Ankara respect UN resolutions? There seems to be no such intention on the part of Turkey. After all, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoglu said yesterday that “we believe that a new era will begin in Varosha that will benefit everyone, as a result of the work that will be carried out with respect for property rights.” It is clear that they are moving forward unscathed but also undisturbed!

The Turks want to cover up their illegal actions through proceedings and Conferences. Inter-community dialogue is their timeless alibi. Because if they do not stop at the time when the Five-party Conference is convened, it will mean that they will be left with the fait accompli and an informal Conference, of dubious result. What can be done? The informal Five-party Conference should be convened only if the illegal work in occupied Famagusta stops.

The new faits accomplis are being enforced

If this Conference is convened with the aim of reaching an agreement, no one should object that the resolutions for the enclosed area of ​​Famagusta should not be violated. How can this meeting take place and at the same time work beind undertaken in the area? Unless, as has been said, the Turks and possibly third-party mediators are seeking the Five-party Conference to avoid EU sanctions.

They consider that new one faits  accomplis are imposed on land and sea by the Turkish side are a mere detail. However, in the field of the EU, sanctions are the only way. The task is not easy at all (“a lot of money comes from the sale of armaments”, they say in Berlin). A decision must be made by the “27”. If those partners who are worried about the “good of Ankara” continue to raise objections, the formula can be found.

Specifically, with the imposition of specific financial sanctions, unless the projects in Famagusta stop and the research vessels and drilling rigs leave the Cypriot EEZ and the Greek sea area. A very tight one-week schedule should be adopted, with sanctions automatically resumed each time Turkey violates the decisions of the “27”.

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